Animating Sprites In Unity
#LearnToCode #UnityDeveloper #Coding #CSharp
Animation in Unity is super awesome and super powerful. What I’m going to be using is the Unity animation system to animate the sprites and then play the animation.
When you're creating animation in Unity you want to have the game object selected that you want to create a animation for. With that game object selected go to window, animation and select animation. Doing this opens a animation window.
Note: The animation window can be docked next to the console by dragging and dropping the Animation icon.
The next thing to do is “To begin animating triple shot power up create an animator and an animation clip”.
Hit create to create a new animation. To keep oriented and organized make sure to create a new folder for animations. After creating your new animation folder, make sure you're inside that new animation folder and save the animation as triple shot power up.
After saving you will access to a dopesheet. The dopesheet is what actually allows me to create key frame animations. Creating sprites in a set order is easy. Make sure to have the game object selected in the hierarchy before editing. Clicking the record mode highlights red to indicate you are in record mode.
Accessing the sprites folder still in record select the first frame. Selecting the first frame hold down the SHIFT key and select the last frame to select everything. After selecting the ideal frames I can drag and drop them into the dopesheet automatically applied.
press play inside the animation window and I should see a animation in the scene view.